Folded Landscapes

The geometry of the landscape and our changing world are central to the on-going series of Folded landscapes paintings, prints, collages and drawings.

Tree Crowns

The order and chaos of nature manipulated, contained, rotated and restrained. The subtle spatial shifts of this extended series of work touches on the natural geometry of the landscape and our tendency to want to order and contain it.


We have a dependency on trees for our physical and mental well-being. They are organisms of wonder, complexity and fragility.


Barriers, defence walls physically, metaphorical or digital are an all to common presence in the modern world. They they are designed to give a sense of security. But just how justified are we in that feeling of security? In the natural world we intentionally and unintentionally create channels of movement and the consequences that follow.

Printmaking portfolio

Alongside drawing, printmaking has recently played an increasing role in the development of ideas. All prints that I make are unique and never made in editions as I experiment with combinations, shades of colour and often also collage during the working process.


This series started with a relatively simple work. People often talk about the 'presence' that great art has. Johannes Vermeer's small, but intense paintings certainly fall into such a category. The initial work presented the 'absence' of a Vermeer. Clearly a photographic copy of a small part of the Woman at the Virginals painting in... Continue Reading →


The world of the interior design magazine presents a very one-sided view of domestic interiors. Largely unpeopled spaces where everything has been carefully considered and placed. It is an idealised world without the normal trappings on everyday life. There are no untidy power cables littering the floor, no unopened envelop from the tax office or... Continue Reading →

Drawing portfolio

Drawing is the basis of my artistic process. I test out and explore ideas through small scale works on paper or digitally, or indeed a combination of the two. Below are a series of galleries that give some insight into this aspect of my artistic practice. Folded Rings

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